Tuesday 30 November 2010

Group Roles

Within our group we all got allocated different roles and different things that we would each be responsible for.
 Whilst dong the research for our opening sequence, one of my responsiblities was to create a survey of which i would give out and then collect the feedback so that we could decide together what kind of film we were going to do and what kind of audience it was best suited for.
Another role of mine is to play the final girl in the opening and also to make sure that i bring props such as candles and the ouija board.
When planning the film i will be responsible for putting the storyboard together.

 When doing the research for our film, Joshs' role was to research about production and distrubution companies and also to do extra research on target audiences to support my survey.
Another role of Joshs' will be to play a part in the opening sequence.
For the planning Josh will be responsible for writing up the script and also the call sheets. Josh will also be responsible for creating a moodboard to support the genre that we will be using.
          Sams main role was to fully analyse the film, Final Destination, this was because he felt that this wuld match the opening sequence that we were aiming to create.
Sam will also be responsible for getting the materials together for us to make the ouija board.
As well as this, when filming the opening sequence Sam will be the camera man and the director. Therefore Sam will be responsible to make sure that all of teh clips are uploaded for us to start editing.

As a group we were all responsible when making sure that we analysed enough films and collected enough informatoin on other horror films and recognsed the micro and macro features. We will also all be responsible for making teh ouija board and editing the clips once it has all been filmed.

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