Monday 13 December 2010

The Script

Opening Scene:

Kate’s Mom: (screams) Kate!! Come on let’s go!!

Kate: Why Mommy? What’s wrong?

(Music dies down before Kate’s mom speaks to emphasise her words)

Kate’s Mom: It’s here!! (Music resumes to normal volume level) We’re going!!

(Kate and her mother leave, door slams to show their exit)

Second Scene: (Kate’s House)

(Camera slowly pans about the house(like Final Destination)focusing on objects around the house until it finally stops on the group of friends doing a Ouija board on the floor)

Kate: I really don’t wanna do this.

James: Ahh come on Kate man! Live your life, nothings gonna happen.

John: Yeahh come on Kate it’s gonna be fine.

Lucy: Let’s just do it!!

Kate: I’ve just got a bad feeling about it.

(All characters place their hands on the glass forcing Kate’s hand on)

James: (mimicking) Hello, is anybody there?

John: Ole, ole, ole, ole, Ouijaaa, Ouijaaa (others join in apart from Kate)

(Three of them laugh Kate give’s a little smile)

James: Come on let’s do it properly now, hands in (They all place their hands on the glass willingly this time)

(Read a speech from piece of paper)

(More dialogue required here)

(After asking if there is anyone there, the Ouija board goes to yes, heartbeat flash around the characters, Kate looks down comes back up with scary face)

Above is the script that we made of which we will follow when doing our filming. However, we are aware that whilst we are filming there may be changes made o the script to make the opening of our film more effective. As well as this, there is also a chance that we may change the characters names.

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