Wednesday 5 January 2011


To evaluate our work we answered a variety of questions and not only self-evaluated our own work but also each others efforts within the group.

Tuesday 4 January 2011


Josh was responsible for deciding what props were need in our film and why they were needed.


Location 'The Shed'

The main location for the opening sequence of our film will be a shed located at the back of a garden. We feel this will be a suitable location for our film as it isolated and this is a representation of the final girl feeling isolated. As well as this, as we were filiming quite late, the shed also appears very dark and scary.
In the shed we are not going to have any of the lights on, however we plan to use candles which will give limited light to represent limited hope for the characters.
We also think that the shed would be suitable for our film as their are hand prints and skulls in there of which is suitable iconography.

Monday 13 December 2010

The Script

Opening Scene:

Kate’s Mom: (screams) Kate!! Come on let’s go!!

Kate: Why Mommy? What’s wrong?

(Music dies down before Kate’s mom speaks to emphasise her words)

Kate’s Mom: It’s here!! (Music resumes to normal volume level) We’re going!!

(Kate and her mother leave, door slams to show their exit)

Second Scene: (Kate’s House)

(Camera slowly pans about the house(like Final Destination)focusing on objects around the house until it finally stops on the group of friends doing a Ouija board on the floor)

Kate: I really don’t wanna do this.

James: Ahh come on Kate man! Live your life, nothings gonna happen.

John: Yeahh come on Kate it’s gonna be fine.

Lucy: Let’s just do it!!

Kate: I’ve just got a bad feeling about it.

(All characters place their hands on the glass forcing Kate’s hand on)

James: (mimicking) Hello, is anybody there?

John: Ole, ole, ole, ole, Ouijaaa, Ouijaaa (others join in apart from Kate)

(Three of them laugh Kate give’s a little smile)

James: Come on let’s do it properly now, hands in (They all place their hands on the glass willingly this time)

(Read a speech from piece of paper)

(More dialogue required here)

(After asking if there is anyone there, the Ouija board goes to yes, heartbeat flash around the characters, Kate looks down comes back up with scary face)

Above is the script that we made of which we will follow when doing our filming. However, we are aware that whilst we are filming there may be changes made o the script to make the opening of our film more effective. As well as this, there is also a chance that we may change the characters names.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Call Sheets

Below is the call sheet for the day that we are going to be filming the opening sequence to our film. The call sheets show what scenes we will be filming and who needs to be in this scene. The only problem that we have at the moment is that one of the male roles have not been casted. 

Shooting Schedule

This is the schedule that we hope to stick by when filming our film. We have created this so that we know exactly what scenes to do when we get together and film and to give some structure to the process. Factors that may affect this is the availabilty of our actors, so we need to arrange days where we are are all available. The only thing that is preventing us from starting to film at this time is that i have tonsilitous and a chest infection.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Original Opening

As part of the opening to our film we created a powerpoint of which we are going to film. The powerpoint shows teh image of a ouija board, siminlar to the one that we created with a pointer spelling out what we had planned to be the title of our film. 'Ouija'.

When designing our ouija board we tried to make it look as reaslitic as the one in this powerpoint so wthat when the powerpoint fades out at the end we could use a graphic match and do a shot right onto our ouija board.


Pictures on the left show the storyboart that we made for our film. Our aim will be to follow this storyboard when doing our filming, however we will try all of the shots from different angles so that when we are editing we have a wider range of shots to use to make our film more effective.

When doing our storyboard we made sure that we were including a variety of shots and angles, and we also put down the transitions that we would use.

We made sure that we used shots such as; close ups, extreme close ups, long shots, match on action and shot reverse shot. We also planned that we would do shots from high and low angles and also use panning at the start of the film.
We also tried to guess how long we would like each of the shots to last for so we could get an approximate timing of how long the opening is likely to last for.

Although we have created a storyboard for us to follow, we 
are aware that any of these shots may change to make the film look better and more effective. After creating the storyboard, we also had a change in location. However this did not affect the shots or angles that we would be using, it just changed what would be shown onscreen.

On our storyboard we also noted down what music we were going to add in when doing our editing, we also said whether there were going to be characters speaking during the shot and also whether or not the sound would be diagetic or non diagetic.

On our storybaord we only had approximaely 12-15 pictures that we had planned for our sots, however we knew that when we were filming the opening seqeuence and it has been editing, there would be around 20 - 25 shots as we have seen in the opening sequence that we have analysed previously.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Making the Ouija Board

As a group we all decided to take on the role of making the ouija board, the most important prop that is going to be needed for the opening of our film. As we felt it would be too risky to use a proper ouija board we decided to make our own with a piece of cardboard and painting it. We felt that this could either go really good or really bad, however we feel that on camera it looks realistic. 

Original Ideas

Before doing any official planning for a film, we started by doing a mindmap of our original ideas that we would like to follow up for our opening sequence. We all put our ideas forward and made sure that we agreed on the same things for what would make the most effective opening.
We didn't spend too much time creating our mind map as we knew that as we went along that many of our original ideas might change.

Group Roles

Within our group we all got allocated different roles and different things that we would each be responsible for.
 Whilst dong the research for our opening sequence, one of my responsiblities was to create a survey of which i would give out and then collect the feedback so that we could decide together what kind of film we were going to do and what kind of audience it was best suited for.
Another role of mine is to play the final girl in the opening and also to make sure that i bring props such as candles and the ouija board.
When planning the film i will be responsible for putting the storyboard together.

 When doing the research for our film, Joshs' role was to research about production and distrubution companies and also to do extra research on target audiences to support my survey.
Another role of Joshs' will be to play a part in the opening sequence.
For the planning Josh will be responsible for writing up the script and also the call sheets. Josh will also be responsible for creating a moodboard to support the genre that we will be using.
          Sams main role was to fully analyse the film, Final Destination, this was because he felt that this wuld match the opening sequence that we were aiming to create.
Sam will also be responsible for getting the materials together for us to make the ouija board.
As well as this, when filming the opening sequence Sam will be the camera man and the director. Therefore Sam will be responsible to make sure that all of teh clips are uploaded for us to start editing.

As a group we were all responsible when making sure that we analysed enough films and collected enough informatoin on other horror films and recognsed the micro and macro features. We will also all be responsible for making teh ouija board and editing the clips once it has all been filmed.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Preliminary Task

Before filming our 2 minute opening sequence we filmed our preliminary task of which had to include a match on action shot. We used this as our first expereicne of filming and editing.

I think that filming this helped us a lot with learning different angles and the different shots that could be used.
When filmimg and editing our opening sequence we must make sure that we include a variety of shots and make sure that when editing the cuts it is a lot smoother.